My name is Chris Thomas. A fortunate husband, a father of three and Dad to five, I’m an advocate of foster care as an implication of the gospel. I’m also a pastor at Raymond Terrace Community Church, a regional church based in the Hunter Valley, Australia. I mostly write about the gospel and how it informs both work and rest.

I’m Grateful

I’m Grateful

I used to wish I had a wide social influence in Christian circles, that my opinion mattered to vast amounts of people. But I don’t. Nor do I want it to be true. I’m not sure I have the character or wisdom to carry that weight well. As a writer with a limited reader base, and even smaller influence, I’ve greatly benefited from others who have recommended my work, and championed my writing; Tim Challies, Jared Wilson, and Ronnie Kurtz, are among those whom I'm grateful for to this end.

I’m grateful for the larger ministry platforms that have allowed my writing to be featured; sites like For The Church, The Gospel Coalition Australia, and Core Christianity have all been accomodating to a guy from nowhere important, with a little ‘voice’, to sit at the table.

But I’ve found in recent times, what I’ve been blessed by immensely, and so deeply grateful for, have been the relationships formed with other writers like me. Men and women for whom writing is a significant part of their life and ministry, who are committed to their readers, no matter how large that platform is, and who love Jesus passionately and seek to represent his gospel well through their craft. Writing can be a lonely existence, but the friendships I’ve formed in recent times through writing have been so precious. I want to honour them, their work, and their love for Jesus. Go and check out their work, read their material, send them a message of encouragement, follow them on Social Media, share an article that you enjoyed of theirs—these are all practical steps you can take to encourage good writing. Lord knows we need trusted voices in these uncertain times.

There are more, but these will give you a good start if you aren’t already following them. In the coming weeks, I intend to showcase a few more. If you come across a writer I should know about, why not contact me via Social Media and let me know. Or if you are a writer, or are even entertaining the idea, why not connect with me and the writers above at Gospel Writers?

I Am Not A Foster Son

I Am Not A Foster Son

