My name is Chris Thomas. A fortunate husband, a father of three and Dad to five, I’m an advocate of foster care as an implication of the gospel. I’m also a pastor at Raymond Terrace Community Church, a regional church based in the Hunter Valley, Australia. I mostly write about the gospel and how it informs both work and rest.

Weekend Wandering (02/11)

Weekend Wandering (02/11)

A couple of links to fuel your weekend reading with:

Greg Morse: What Does Hell Say About God?

“The challenge, then, is not to merely prove the existence of hell from one’s exegesis, but to answer why God’s story is better than we would have authored — because it is.”

Matt Henslee: Pastoring On The Other Side Of The Storm

“But there’s something about storms—or rather, the end of storms—that pulls at my heart strings. It’s when the clouds break, the sun seems brighter than ever before, and the final few drops of rain give way to a refreshing afternoon.”

Russell Meek: When Legacy Becomes A Lie

“If I were a good enough dad who said the right things, hugged him enough times, and was present in his life, then when I’m dead and gone, he’d be at my funeral, remembering me as a good guy who loved him deeply. That would be my legacy.”

Ploughman’s Flashback: Does Modesty Matter Anymore?

“The Bible says there is a better way. Biblical modesty is about revealing true gospel value — in fact, not just revealing it, but adorning it. Biblical modesty shines the spotlight on what God says is of eternal value and makes it look beautiful.”

There Once Was A Farmer

There Once Was A Farmer

Jesus: Our Living Hope in Changing Times

Jesus: Our Living Hope in Changing Times