My name is Chris Thomas. A fortunate husband, a father of three and Dad to five, I’m an advocate of foster care as an implication of the gospel. I’m also a pastor at Raymond Terrace Community Church, a regional church based in the Hunter Valley, Australia. I mostly write about the gospel and how it informs both work and rest.

Weekend Wandering (17/3)

Weekend Wandering (17/3)

Here are a few articles I’ve enjoyed this week:

Chris Pappalard: Some Awesome Books On Writing

I was recently accepted into a writing mentorship, so reading about writing is on my agenda at the moment. This is a helpful list if you’re interested in the topic also.

Desiring God: The Devil Can Do Exposition, But He Can’t Preach

You may not agree with all of Piper’s theology, but he has had significant influence on countless preachers around the world. This is one reason why.

Ploughman Flashback: Break-Wall For The Soul

“I need a break-wall for the soul, a safe harbour to shelter from the swell, a cleft to weather the storm.”

When good things become god

When good things become god

It's 'Church-Planting', Jim, but not as we know it...

It's 'Church-Planting', Jim, but not as we know it...