My name is Chris Thomas. A fortunate husband, a father of three and Dad to five, I’m an advocate of foster care as an implication of the gospel. I’m also a pastor at Raymond Terrace Community Church, a regional church based in the Hunter Valley, Australia. I mostly write about the gospel and how it informs both work and rest.

Special Thanks

Special Thanks

In place of my usual ‘Weekend Wandering’, where I post a few links to notable articles, I wanted to take the opportunity to give thanks to a number of others who have blessed me in my writing ministry.


I’m grateful firstly for you, my readers. Thank you for those who send messages of encouragement, shared with others, or were blessed in your walk with Jesus. My prayer in writing was that you would be drawn closer to Christ, that the glory of God would be clear, and that the gospel would be elevated. If those goals have been met in some way for you, then I am deeply humbled to have had a small part to play. Thank you for reading.

Lore Ferguson Wilbert

Lore is the owner of a high quality site,, and writes with a compelling pursuit of deep truth and aching beauty. Lore’s writing has long been a shaping force in my own writing, and I have appreciated her transparency and courage as she pursues faithfulness in Christ. Recently I was honoured to be accepted into a small cohort of writers that she is mentoring, and I am already experiencing the effect of her pursuit for excellence. Take the time to read what she writes and you will be blessed.

Tim Challies

A long time blogger and pastor, Tim is viewed (despite his tender age) as being one of the forerunners of Christian blogging. As such, Tim has enjoyed the privilege of seeing much come and go, and his careful thoughtfulness is a gift to the church. Tim regularly produces high quality content of his own, reviews more books than I’ll be able to read in a lifetime, and is a prodigious curator of helpful content from around the web. Tim has been a gracious supporter of my writing by regularly linking a number of my posts in his daily wrap-up. Having a more seasoned guy out there championing your work is a huge blessing, and I am deeply grateful. If you don’t already, follow his page on Facebook or Twitter.

Jared C. Wilson

I have enjoyed Jared’s friendship, not only via the web, but in person as well. Jared’s commitment to gospel centrality continues to be a breath of fresh air, and his professional capacity to write a gospel-centred body of work is proving to be a great gift to church. I have been blessed as a writer by Jared’s willingness to publish my work at For The Church, as well as his personal feedback and example. Recently, Jared and I sat down to chat about life and ministry here in Australia, and our conversation was posted on the Podcast managed by FTC. I’m grateful for his gracious friendship and example; any of his books are well worth the read, but if you are in church leadership, you will want to get your hands on his most recent publication, The Gospel Driven Church.

The Contours of Grace

The Contours of Grace

'Brother' Is More Than A Title

'Brother' Is More Than A Title