My name is Chris Thomas. A fortunate husband, a father of three and Dad to five, I’m an advocate of foster care as an implication of the gospel. I’m also a pastor at Raymond Terrace Community Church, a regional church based in the Hunter Valley, Australia. I mostly write about the gospel and how it informs both work and rest.

Weekend Wandering (04/8)

Weekend Wandering (04/8)

A few articles worth mentioning here, hopefully for your encouragement:

Cassie Watson: The Chorus of the Skies

Cassie has a fantastic writing style, and I’m loving see a resurgence of Australian writers producing world class content.

ABC News: The slow death of the Australian icon that is the corner store

While we’re on an Australian theme, here is an insightful but sad story about the slow decay of our cultural heritage.

Hints of Heaven, Glimpses of Glory

Hints of Heaven, Glimpses of Glory

Lion’s Roar

Lion’s Roar