My name is Chris Thomas. A fortunate husband, a father of three and Dad to five, I’m an advocate of foster care as an implication of the gospel. I’m also a pastor at Raymond Terrace Community Church, a regional church based in the Hunter Valley, Australia. I mostly write about the gospel and how it informs both work and rest.



24 countries

6 continents

75 flights

180, 000 miles (289, 682 kms)

80 museums

Tim Challies is right. Any way you read the numbers, this is an epic adventure. But the number don’t truly tell the story here, in fact, they barely rate a mention in discovering the true source of why this project is ‘epic’ at all.

Tim’s book (and forthcoming documentary) tells a story of epic proportions. Epic because it tells the story of Jesus as he has walked through the centuries of civilisation’s advance. Touching on relics from the past, Tim presents a story that will not be at home in the dusty shelves of some university’s history department—this story lives and breaths, ebbs and flows, and draws you in to the exciting story of Christianity.

You will discover the Gutenberg Bible, Whitefield Rock, David Livingston’s Writing Box, Hudson Taylor’s Grave, and many more; each object, not a precious thing to be worshiped in itself, but a testimony—an Ebenezer—that speaks of God’s gracious favour to bring the gospel thus far.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and would recommend it as a worthy addition to your bedside, or coffee table to peruse and chat over with guests, or even a great discussion project to speak about with your kids.

Available for pre-order now, it will be available from a reputable outlet near you, or find out more details from

Discover the epic story of Christian history by examining 33 extraordinary artifacts, with author Tim Challies as your guide. Order "Epic: An Around-the-Worl...
I’m Grateful

I’m Grateful

Seeing, They Do Not See

Seeing, They Do Not See